
Professional Crook Yoshida Seiji Guilty of Forging “Comfort Women” Forced into Prostitution

Yoshida Seiji has been better known as a professional crook here in Japan for his unprecedented excellence in having deceived the whole world with a story of "Comfort Women" coerced into prostitution by the Japanese Military during the Greater East Asia War (also known as the World War II or the Pacific War). 
In admitting its misreporting on "Comfort Women" story in many articles published by the Asashi, it finally announced on August 5 this year that it retracted all stories going back decades that quoted Yoshida Seiji's statement of "200 Korean women who were abducted and forced into prostitution at wartime. The Asahi, after decades long refusal to accept its misreporting, by which Japan and her people have been seriously and irreversibly defamed in the worst way ever via false accusations raised by South Korea, United Nations, United States, etc. 
Before going into further details, readers should acknowledge that there are two major factors associated with the uncontrollable and spontaneous escalation of accusations of Japan and her people, triggered by just a small lie in the beginning, the lie made by Yoshida Seiji whose real identity still remains unknown. The first factor is that UN was established by the former enemies of Japan as a core organ to discriminate against Japan, irrespective of her historical motives of engaging in the last wars, who is destined to remain regarded as an enemy to some of the UN members forever as far as UN Charter defines Japan as an enemy. The second factor is that the Government of Japan conditionally surrendered to the allied powers while the armed forces of the Imperial Japan accepted unconditional surrender as the Potsdam Declaration clearly defines the conditions for Japan to accept. The ensuing results have been miserable and brutal to Japan since she had to accept a number of prohibitions (illegal in view of the Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land-The Hague, 18 October, 1907), imposed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), a title held by General Douglas MacArthur. Therefore, "Comfort Women" fabrication and subsequent escalation of worldwide accusation of Japan as being brutal and inhumane should be interpreted as a smoking gun to substantiate existence of the factors mentioned above. 
The Asahi confirmed, though belatedly, through its independent research on the issue that no evidence supporting Yoshida's account had ever existed. Even with the much delayed disclosure of its research result and measure of having retracted all the stories by the Asahi, what has been done to harm the reputation of Japan and her people who have been the single 2nd largest contributor to the United Nations on a mandatory basis and the single largest contributor to UNDP on a voluntary basis, will never be erased forever.
The Asahi commented in its report dated August 5 that his first (hoax) article appeared on Osaka edition of the Asahi dated September 2, 1992. However, this report has been found to be false again. According to the morning edition of the Sankei Shimbun dated September 8, this crook Yoshida first appeared as a writer residing in Yokohama under the name of Yoshida Seiji on Yokohama edition of the Asashi dated March 7, 1980, with an article titled "South Koreans and North Koreans II" written based on the Asahi's 3 hours long telephone conversation with him. In this article,  the Asahi focused on Yoshida's story of mobilizing Korean laborers but with no reference to "Comfort Women" and their forcible mobilization. Yoshida called up the Asahi almost like a hard sell and succeeded in selling to the Asahi his story of mobilizing Korean laborers. 
After 2 years and a half, the crook contributed his hoax article titled "Korean Women were Abducted and Raped" dated September 2, 1982 to his accomplice the Asahi, reporting on Yoshida Seiji's statement of "200 Korean women who were abducted and forced into prostitution at wartime".
The crook Yoshida had successfully developed his new personality of being a brutal Imperial Japanese soldier by the time an article "A Demon Who Forcibly Recruited Koreans for the Military Use" published on October 19, 1983 by the Asahi, deeply repenting his past that he himself forcibly abducted Koreans as an Imperial Japanese soldier. In this article, the Asahi focused on his trip to South Korea where he erected a memorial stone to show his repent over his past, emphasizing that he was the only man who had so far apologized to the former abductees, and implicitly suggesting that many more Japanese should follow his suit. 

For years until after Japan entered a new era called "Heisei" (Upon the demise of The Emperor Showa on January 7, 1989, the era name Heisei was announced through mass media), no reporting activities  had been notably observed  in a fake story of "Comfort Women". 
In August 1992, the New York Times carried a lengthy article framing Japan as the nation for having committed the worst human rights violation in the 20th century, citing Yoshida's confession that Japan had systematically and forcibly rounded up and taken away more than 2,000 women. Most of the Japanese could hardly believe the story but thought they were obviously trying to water down the lingering impact of U.S. wartime brutalities on Japan and her people. Not only the New York Times but also AP and many others have accused Japan of the grave violation of human rights. 
The government of South Korea produced its interim report on "comfort women" in July 1992, in which South Korea incorporated Yoshida's statement as an important evidence to substantiate the South Korea's claim that Japan had brutally ruled Korea during 35 years long annexation, quite contrary to the historical facts.
The United Nations gave particular emphasis to such cases as"where even more women were needed, the Japanese military resorted to violence, undisguised force and raids which involved the slaughter of family members who tried to prevent the abduction of their daughters. These methods were facilitated by the strengthening of the  National General Mobilization Law, which had been passed in 1938 but was only used for the forcible recruitment of Koreans from 1942 onwards. The testimonies of many former military sexual slaves bear witness to the widespread use of violence and coercion in the recruitment process. Moreover, the wartime experiences of one raider, Yoshida Seiji, are recorded in his book, in which he confesses to having been part of slave raids in which, among other Koreans, as many as 1,000 women were obtained for "comfort women" duties under the National Labour Service Association as part of the National General Mobilization Law. 
The above accusation raised by UN against Japan over a story of "comfort women" has served as a basis for further escalating immense hostilities and hatred in South Korea toward Japan and her people, particularly after UN adopted Final report "Systematic rape, sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during armed conflicts submitted in 1998 by Ms. Gay J. MacDougall, Special Rapporteur ,which concluded as follows:
The present report concludes that the Japanese Government remains liable for grave violations of human rights and humanitarian law, violations that amount in their totality to crimes against humanity. The Japanese Government's arguments to the contrary, including arguments that seek to attack the underlying humanitarian law prohibition of enslavement and rape, remain as unpersuasive today as they were when they were first raised before the Nurnberg war crimes tribunal more than 50 years ago. In addition, the Japanese Government's argument that Japan has already settled all claims from the Second World War through peace treaties and reparations agreements following the war remains equally unpersuasive. This is due, in large part, to the failure until very recently of the Japanese Government to admit the extent of the Japanese military's direct involvement in the establishment and maintenance of these rape centres. The Japanese Government's silence on this point during the period in which peace and reparations agreements between Japan and other Asian Governments were being negotiated following the end of the war must, as a matter of law and justice, preclude Japan from relying today on these peace treaties to extinguish liability in these cases. 
The failure to settle these claims more than a century after the cessation of hostilities is a testament to the degree to which the lives of women continue to be undervalued. Sadly, this failure to address crimes of a sexual nature committed on a massive scale during the Second World War has added to the level of impunity with which similar crimes are committed today. The Government of Japan has taken some steps to apologize and atone for the rape and enslavement of over 200,000 women and girls who were brutalized in "comfort stations" during the Second World War. However, anything less than full from such liability is wholly inadequate. It must now fall to the Government of Japan to take the necessary final steps to provide adequate redress. 

On July 31, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives approved House Resolution 121 (HRes 121) introduced by California Democrat Mike Honda, urging Japan to acknowledge officially and accept responsibility for its activities of abduction and enslavement of women and girls into a sexual slavery system used during WWII to service Japanese military personnel. Again, the resolution was introduced and passed by those with their single minded belief in Yoshida's revised account of "1,000 comfort women forced into prostitution", thereby further escalating hostilities toward Japan and her people, reminiscent of U.S. brutal racial discrimination against the Japanese race before, during, and after the World War II. It is well known in Japan that Mike Honda, although said to be Japanese Sansei (the third generation Japanese-American) whose real identity remains unknown, has been exceptionally antagonistic to Japan and her people for the unknown reasons and has been reportedly closely and financially associated with such anti-Japan organs as "Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia" and "Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues", established to promote anti-Japanism.

As evidenced above, UN and U.S. together with its vassal state South Korea have caused enormous damages in the countless number of ways, for which even UN could not afford to compensate to Japan and her people in the decades to come unless UN members agree to the idea that UN will pay reparations to Japan and her people in such a manner as for UN to exempt Japan from payments of the assessed and mandatory contributions to the UN regular budget and to treat such a measure as the amicable settlement similar to the ones Japan was forced to abide by when Japan was allowed to join the UN system established by victors of the World War II. 
Or, in case UN disagrees to the above proposal, its designer and creator U.S. together with its vassal state the Republic of Korea consider and take the necessary steps to pay reparations to Japan and her people for the damages enormously caused by a fake story of "comfort women" and extensive distribution of the story throughout the world with a clear intent to defame Japan and her people (as they have definitely failed to further scrutinize the story of "Comfort Women" written by the crook Yoshida in close collaboration with the Government of Japan although Sri Lankan special rapporteur producted a list of some Japanese Government officials, etc. she claimed to have met in her report. Those whom Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy reportedly contacted in Japan should be summoned to the open hearings at the National Diet for clarification of what they really discussed with her. ).
According to the Sankei Shimbun dated September 8, Yoshida Seiji who first fabricated a story of "200 comfort women" forcibly rounded up and taken away on Jeju island, Korea by the Japanese Military, has been branded as a professional crook with different names and fake addresses. His real name is Yoshida Yuto registered with the municipal office of his address. In his books written with a pen name of Yoshida Seiji and based on a figment of his imagination, he claimed that he was born in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan and graduated from Moji Municipal High School of Commerce, Moji city, Yamaguchi Prefecture. However, he was in fact born in Fukuoka Prefecture. His real name Yoshida Yuto has been found on the graduation list of the high school, from which he claimed to have graduated, however, it says "deceased" at the time when the books were written and published. 
Besides, Yoshida's prewar employment record publicized in his books shows that Yoshida had been employed by Cadastral Bureau of the Manchurian Government in 1937 and then by Shanghai branch office of China Airlines from 1939. However, those who had been attached to those organizations during the same years said, "They have no knowledge of Yoshida Seiji, whatsoever." One thing that could be true is that he admitted once in having committed a crime related to "embezzlement of military supplies" and was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. On another occasion, he claimed that he was arrested for having assisted a Korean nationalist fugitive who murdered a Japanese to escape arrest and was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment in 1940. His real identity remains mysterious particularly since his post war personal history has never been found anywhere at all, suggesting that he is one of those Koreans who smuggled themselves into Japan when Japan was in chaotic situation after the war. Whatever his true identity may have been, he is the professional crook who has caused enormous damages to Japan and her people by building his network of anti-Japanism with South Korea, UN, U.S.A., etc., not to mention Kono Yohei whose infamous statement on comfort women has been found to be a product made through collusion between Kono and the government of South Korea


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