
Who said Japan is 'Cornerstone' of U.S. Asia Policy?

Mrs. Clinton has repeatedly mentioned that Japan is 'cornerstone' of U.S. Asia policy, essential to maintaining peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

It seems to me that the general public in Japan has so far failed to notice how Japan would look like to the American eyes if her perception is right.

The below is a visual comparison of Japan and Corner Brick (Since a good cornerstone is not available right now, I can't help using it.)

Corner Brick and Japan

If you closely examine Japan and Corner Brick or Cornerstone, it seems that both look alike but not exactly twins or anything.

Keep whatever the image you may get from the comparison I have shown above in your mind and read the following tentative translation of the tweets made by Mr. Masahisa Sato, a member of House of Councilors, National Diet of Japan. He is one of the executive directors of Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense (one of the standing committees established in the Upper House), in reaction to Chinese president Hu Jintao's visit to U.S.

佐藤正久 当然、米国は自国の利のために動く。南シナ海の航行の自由化問題で対中国強行姿勢をとる一方、北朝鮮問題では、日本は、同盟国で基地提供はあっても集団的自衛権を行使出来ない以上、米国は同盟国の韓国や北朝鮮に影響力を持つ中国との協調の方が価値が高いということだろう。

Mr. Sato said: No question that U.S. will move for its onw interests. While the Obama administration pushes its initiative of resolving disputes between Asian nations over claims in the South China Sea, U.S. finds it better to get itself harmonized with China whose clouts or tentacles have been quite effective not only on U.S. ally South Korea but also on North Korea as long as Japan is restricted under its constitution not to exercise collective self-defense but to offer military bases to U.S. in dealing with North Korea.

Mr. Sato said: Chinese president Hu Jintao's visit to U.S. is reportedly regarded as "the most important summit in the world as world powers shake hands". The hospitality U.S. has extended to president is so great. U.S. has treated China much better than U.S. treats its allies. I can't figure out how it makes any sense at all. This event now going on in U.S. gives me a question of whether U.S. will show this much hospitality to Japan's PM!

Mr. Sato said: While U.S. has been so critical of China when it comes to human rights and military build-up, U.S. recognizes China as the most important state. However, compared with the Republican Party's tougher stance toward China, the Obama administration may find it more difficult to push his messages forward until China accepts them because China is double-faced (economy is good and military build-up is bad). Hu's visit is impressive in the sense that China has successfully shown its improved power.

Note: The above tentative translation of the tweets is subject to change whenever Ted Yokohama finds it necessary to do so.

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