February 22 has been designated as "Takeshima Day竹島の日" as stipulated in Shimane Prefectural Ordinance issued on March 25, 2005.
Every civilized nation and people is well aware of the fact that on January 28, 1905, Japan reaffirmed its intention to claim sovereignty over Takeshima by incorporating Takeshima into Shimane Prefecture as clearly stated in 10 Issues of Takeshima prepared by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Japan. Access http://bit.ly/9HvgXj
The following article-posted on January 18, 2011-will be re-posted to remind a nation and its people who have not reached the level of civilization every other nation and people have long enjoyed, of what they really are.
Today I will be discussing Syngman Rhee Line (李承晩ライン) with a special focus on the following tweet as saying that South Korean president Syngman Rhee, in defiance of international laws, unilaterally established Syngman Rhee Line and made a groundless and irrational territorial claim over Takeshima islets existing within the line in 1952.
328 Japanese fishing vessels were captured and 3,929 fishermen were abducted by South Korea.
The above is a tentative translation of the tweet written by beatDPJ
The above tweet I have selected today presents readers of my blog the following points:beatDPJ n&m1952年当時の大統領李承晩は国際法のルールを無視した領海線「李承晩ライン」を勝手に引き、ライン内にある竹島を韓国領と主張し占領。竹島周辺で操業していた日本漁船328隻が拿捕され、漁師3929人が抑留された。
1. Syngman Rhee Line (李承晩ライン) unilaterally established by South Korea
2. South Korean illegitimate territorial claim over Takeshima islets (a group of rocks in the Sea of Japan)
The territorial issue of Takeshima islets began with the unilateral establishment of Syngman Rhee Line by South Korea on January 18, 1952 in defiance of international laws and U.S. warnings.
January 18, 1952-a date which will live in infamy-Japan was suddenly and deliberately invaded by the South Koreans ordered by South Korea president Syngman Rhee, so as to illegally occupy Takeshima islets by making a groundless and irrational territorial claim over those islets almost three months before San Francisco Peace Agreement (signed on September 8, 1951) became effective on April 28, 1952.
The significance of San Francisco Peace Treaty in relation to Takeshima territorial issue is described as below.
Article 2, Chapter II Territory, San Francisco Peace Treaty states:
(a) Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet.
In (a) of Article 2, Quelpart Island (Jejudo, 제주도, 済州島), Port Hamilton (Geomun-do, 거문도, 巨文島), and Dagelet (Ulleungdo, 울릉도, 鬱陵島) are specifically mentioned. It is so clear to anyone that Takeshima islets have never been included in a list of the islands when Japan renounced all right, title and claim to Korea.
However, as seen in the video below, South Koreans landed on Takeshima islets and pulled out the wooden sign installed by Japan which says "島根県隠岐郡五箇所村竹島 Takeshima, Gokasho mura, Iki gun, Shimane Pref., clearly indicating Takeshima islets as part of the Japanese territory.
As the United States of America still remembers the bitterness of the Korean War (According to the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. suffered 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths and 8,176 missing in actions during the war.), Japan will never forget a series of outrageous actions executed by South Korea after unilaterally establishing Syngman Rhee Line on January 18, 1952 in defiance of what's internationally agreed on in San Francisco on September 8, 1951.
During the period of January 18, 1952 (date of unilateral establishment of Syngman Rhee Line) to June 22, 1965 (signing date of Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea), 328 Japanese fishing vessels were captured and 3,929 fishermen were abducted by South Korea. And, 44 Japanese fishermen were brutally murdered by South Korea.
There are two important documents we should focus on to prove that South Korea has invaded Japan on January 18, 1952 without declaring "War" against Japan at all, and to emphasize that their occupation of Takesima islets is a clear violation of the international laws and will remain illegal forever. Japan should demand that South Korea unconditionally return them back to Japan with deep apology over its invasion and compensation for the damages done to Japan.
Read diplomatic letter (so called Rusk note of 1951) addressed to South Korean Ambassador in U.S. in 1951 http://bit.ly/fNMSnZ in which Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Rusk for the Secretary of State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, the United States of America clearly states the following points:
1.Japan's acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration did not constitute a formal or final renunciation of sovereignty by Japan.
2.The Japanese claim to the Liancourt Rocks (Takeshima islets) would not be renounced in the peace treaty.
3.The MacArthur line stands until the conclusion of the Treaty of San Francisco.
4.Japan has no obligation to compensate for damage to private property owned by Koreans that was damaged in Japan during the war.
5.Japanese property in Korea is pursuant to directives of United States Military Government.
Read letter from Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Kenneth T. Young, Jr., Director, Office of Northeast Asian Affairs to E. Allan Lightner American Embassy, Pusan Korea-Excerpted from Confidential Security Information about Liancourt Rocks =Takeshima islets) in 1951 http://bit.ly/f606ZD , in which Mr. E. Allan Lightner, Charge d'affaires, U.S. Embassy in Pusan, Korea clearly states as follows:
1.Takeshima had never been treated as a part of
2.Takeshima had been under the jurisdiction of the Oki islands Branch Office of Japan's Shimane
3.Takeshima had ever before been claimed by
Watch this video, in which South Korea executes its military exercise of defending Takeshima islets against the take-over by a certain country (Japan).
A Japanese news anchor reports South Korean military exercise as saying that a naval fleet belonging to a certain country invades Korean territorial waters and that a certain country is obviously Japan. In this military exercise, South Korea has mobilized six (6) naval vessels, one (1) P3C, jet fighters, etc. under the assumption of its military confrontation with the Japan's Self-Defense Forces.
It is a great regret that this video has been eliminated for the unknown reason.
Prime Minister of South Korea states that since we have our people's addresses (including their family trees) there, no one can take over those islets belonging to us.
A Japanese reporter further says that South Korean government is now in a process of accelerating fortification of Takeshima islets by possibly stationing South Korean Marine Corps in an attempt to strengthen its territorial claim.
Amid its intensifying defense of those islets, the Korean newspaper carries a very controversial report that Takeshima islets will be taken over by Japan in one day if attacked, in consideration of its analysis of the Japan's Self-Defense Forces power.
Here is one more video you all have to watch to convince yourself who is lying. A narrator says that a map "Hachidou souzu"(as pronounced in Japanese) publicized by Korea in 16th century shows the islets over which South Korea claims its territorial rights are situated west of Dagelet (Ulleungdo, 울릉도, 鬱陵島).
However, the same map we find at a museum in Korea shows those islets have been moved to the east of Dagelet. This proves that South Korea is the one who not only has distorted a history but also has invaded Japan.
Syngman Rhee Line (Hangul 이승만 라인) refers to a boundary line established by South Korean president Syngman Rhee in his "Peace Line"(평화선) declaration of January 18, 1952, which included the Liancourt Rocks in Korean territory.
Names of Islands
Takeshima 竹島(Dokdo or Tokto, 독도/獨島)
Quelpart Island (Jejudo, 제주도, 済州島),
Port Hamilton (Geomun-do, 거문도, 巨文島)
Dagelet (Ulleungdo, 울릉도, 鬱陵島)
1. I try to be accurate when translating all the discourses I came across in preparing for this presentation.
2. I try to be concise when translating all the discourses I came across in preparing for this presentation.
3. Whatever discourses I translate will remain tentative until I get satisfied with their accuracy.
4. However, I reserve the right to decide which discourses I choose for this presentation.
Read related story posted on November 22, 2010
Takeshima Islet Still Illegally Occupied by South Korea
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