The above is the tentative translation of what's tweeted in Japanese by Yamato0101 大和魂.
Democratic Party of Japan has not in fact been effectively ruling the national Diet of Japan as it suffered a major defeat in the last upper house election held on July 11, 2010, coupled with the support rate of 21% shown by the survey conducted in December, 2010 declined 6.8% from 27.8% in November, 2010. The decline indicates that the general public feels fooled by the Kan administration or Democratic Party of Japan.「連携に一歩」?さすが朝鮮日報日本版。その前に竹島不法占拠や日本海呼称改竄や教科書への内政干渉問題を解決しろ!!反日国家との連携など論外【毎日新聞:日韓防衛相会談連携に一歩 歴史問題の温度差解消が課題】
Besides, two cabinet members, Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr. Sengoku and Minister for
Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Minister, also in charge of Okinawa and Northern Territories Mr. Mabuchi seem struggling with their censure motions successfully passed at the Upper House in November last year.
In short, you may call the current national Diet of Japan "hung government" as it is "ねじれ国会 Nejire kotsukai in Japanese, literally meaning "twisted Diet". Although Democratic Party of Japan has further lost its luster in managing national Diet, the party still try to cling on to the position of being the ruling party by performing its diplomatic dancing with the country they think they can dance with, so as to draw some attention to the lame duck Kan administration from the general public.
In short, you may call the current national Diet of Japan "hung government" as it is "ねじれ国会 Nejire kotsukai in Japanese, literally meaning "twisted Diet". Although Democratic Party of Japan has further lost its luster in managing national Diet, the party still try to cling on to the position of being the ruling party by performing its diplomatic dancing with the country they think they can dance with, so as to draw some attention to the lame duck Kan administration from the general public.
Many of the Korean news sources report the Japanese Defense Minister Mr. Kitazawa's recent talk with South Korean defense minister Mr. Kim (not Kim Jong-il) as saying that many Koreans protest against South Korea's military cooperation with Japan since such a move would increase tension in the region by antagonizing North Korea, China, and Russia. And, they object the recent bilateral talk because they claim that they can not think of such a move without resolving the issue of Japan's past wrongdoing ( A majority of the Japanese thinks differently and is fed up with their lies and distortions ).
Just think who benefits most from this kind of bilateral talks over the military defense cooperation. The general public will strongly object to this kind of military defense cooperation with South Korea if they get to know what it really implies.
South Korea faces a grave danger that North Korea they thought would be willing to move in favor of reunification with South Korea, has been turned out to be hostile toward them. Thus, South Korea has a stronger reason of and/or justification over its military alliance with Japan, expecting that they will show off its further solidified unity with the United States of America and Japan.
However, Japan may again suffer from the act of deepening its involvement with the Korean peninsula while South Korea will try to maximize its benefits from the cooperation. There is an increased risk that Japan may get dragged into the never-ending conflict between two Koreas, with which Japan has had nothing to do except much damage done to Japan because of its past relations with them.
The general public here is now beginning to become more aware that Japan should defend itself against any threats coming from outside whereas they believe it necessary to maintain close military alliance with the United States of America. They feel that Japan has been faced with two major concerns as far as the Korean peninsula goes. One is the nuclear threat from North Korea and the other to inundate Japan with thousands of North Korean refugees fleeing from the peninsula because chances of North Korean operatives mingled with them can not be denied, thereby creating security issues in Japan.
The Japanese people do not seek to boost military relations with South Korea but the Kan administration so-called the lame duck administration does.
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